Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Blogger Candidate Forum: Great Debate Round III

Hello Everyone:

It is time for the final round of the Great Debate between Democratic nominee Secretary Hillary Clinton (D-NY) and Republican standard bearer Donald Trump (R-NY).  Given the nasty tone of the previous debate, it remains to be seen if both candidates can maintain some sense of decorum and focus on the subjects.  The pressure to preform will be the greatest on Mr. Trump.  Mr. Trump has been conducting a scorched earth campaign-rowing at the Republican party leadership, the media, the Democratic party, and the Clinton campaign.  This campaign strategy has manifested in falling poll numbers for Mr. Trump.  For Madame Secretary, the challenge is can she deliver the knock out blow?  Two subjects absolutely sure to come up are sexual assault allegations against Mr. Trump and leaked emails made public by WikiLeaks, hacked from Clinton campaign manager John Podesta's private email account.  Fox News presenter Chris Wallace is the moderator and has selected: debt and entitlements, immigration, the economy, the Supreme Court, foreign hot spots, and fitness for office.  The debate is sponsored by the Commission on Presidential Debates and takes place on the campus of the University of Nevada Las Vegas.  Fasten your seat belts, here we.

Why are you right and why is your opponent wrong on the subject
DT: wants stronger boarders. HRC wants open boarders. Heroin biggest problem from porous. Does not support amnesty. Wants to build wall. First secure boarders and deport drug lords then figure out the rest.
HRC: wants to keep undocumented families together. DT said every undocumented person should be rounded up. Supported for boarder security. Wants to put resources into deporting violent immigrants.
Introducing comprehensive immigration reform with path to citizenship.
DT: HRC wanted wall in 2006. Will do better business with Mexico.
HRC: there are wall in some places. More enforcement technology. Wants to get undocumented immigrants out of the shadows.
DT: POTUS deported millions of people. Disaster on trade and open boarders
HRC: secure boarders. Confronted by WikiLeaks email: open boarders. Referring to energy and energy grid. Russians engaged in spying on Americans. Given information to WikiLeaks to influence election. DT rejects Russian spying on Americans.
DT: people are going to pour into the country. Stop radical Islam terrorists. Doesn't know Putin. No respect POTUS or HRC.
HRC: DT won't admit Russians engage in espionage. DT follows Putin. 17 intelligence professionals say Russian leadership behind attacks
DT: says he condemned Russian involvement in cyberattacks. Russia has more nuclear weapons
HRC: very casual about nuclear weapons.
DT: renegotiate defense agreements: NATO
HRC: would work with allies

The Economy
Why your plan will create more jobs and opportunities and your opponent won't
HRC: create new jobs in infrastructure, equal pay, make college debt free, clean energy jobs, raise taxes on wealthy and corporations. DT would give tax breaks to wealthy and corporations.  More technical education.
DT: HRC plan would result with tax increase. Goes back to previous question. Suddenly allies are paying their share. Renegotiate trade deals. If can't renegotiate deals, then go a different way.
HRC: DT advocate largest tax increase. Not increase taxes on anyone making less than 250,000. Investments in education and new. Similar to Obama stimulus in 2009. Led to slower growth. HRC say her plan is combination. POTUS took steps to save economy. Invest from middle out and bottom up. Have to do more to get economy going.
DT: Conservative economics say DT plan unrealistic. Last jobs report was awful. Manufacturing is non-existent. Import products. Blames NAFTA. HRC wants to sign TPP.
HRC: Final agreement for TPP did not meet her jobs test. DT ship jobs to Mrxico. China dump steel on USA. DT use Chinese steel. Will have trade prosecutor to enforce deals.
DT: HRC all talk no action
HRC: brings up 30 years of experience. Working to help American people.
DT: bragging about business experience

Fitness For Office
Sexual assault allegations
DT: blames HRC and DNC for campaign rallies. Denied knowing women who are accusing him of assault
HRC: confirms that DT bragged about assault at last debate. DT blamed women. Belittle women. This is who DT is. This is not who we are as country. We celebrate are diversity. America is good and great.
DT: says he has respect for women. Goes back to emails.  Destroyed 30,000 emails. Accuses HRC of lying to America and Congress. 4-star General going to jail
HRC: doesn't take responsibility for belittling people. Pattern of divisiveness.  Pay-to-play: worked to further interests of U.S. Proud of work of the Clinton Foundation.
DT: remind HRC that Clinton Fiundatuon took money from countries that violate human rights
HRC: Clinton Foundation raised money for Haiti. Agricultural and small businesses.
DT: contributes money to own foundation. Used money to pay lawsuits.
HRC: reminds audience DT hasn't released tax returns. Hasn't paid federal tax. Undocumented immigrants paying more taxes than DT.
DT: entitled to take tax credits. HRC won't change law.  Rigged elections-will DT accept result of this election. Will see what falls out. Blames corrupt media. Millions people shouldn't allowed to vote including HRC. Not prepared to have peaceful transition of government.
HRC: DT blames rigged system when things don't go his way. Talking down democracy.

Foreign Hot Spots
What happens the day after IS leaves. Put US troops
HRC: will not support US forces as a occupying forces. Supports Iraqi forces. Wants intelligence surge to keep eye on Syria. No fly zone and safe zone. Gain some leverage on Russia and Syria. Wants diplomatic end to conflict
DT: Will not divulge plan for day after IS leaves. IS leaders gone. Iran will benefit from Iraq taking Mosul. Still says he was against invasion of Iraq.
HRC: DT supported Iraq invasion. Understand interplay. Mosul is on the boarder of Syria. Go after Bagdadhi. Go after leades and fighters.
DT: HRC has bad judgment and instincts. Aleppo-DT said it was a catastrophe. Syria and Russia been bombing Aleppo. Blames HRC for fighting Assad. Assad aligned with Russia and Iran. US backs rebels. Don't know who rebels are. Could end up with worse then Assad and cause great migration.
HRC: No fly zone. What happens if Russia violates it. Believes it could save lives. Requires negotiations. Believes it would be in the best interests of people on the ground. Will do thorough vetting. Work with American Muslims communities. Be clear about threat.
DT: US outplayed by Russia, Syria, Iran

National Debt And Entitlements
Why are both ignoring increase in debt
DT: would increase growth to 7 percent. Will bring back jobs and manufacturing. Useprivate business people to negotiate trade deals. Create economic machines that will generate wealth.
HRC: remind audience that DT believes he alone can fix the debt. HRC plan pays for everything it proposes. Go where the money is. Will not slow down growth-middle out growth. Invest in individual and families.
Niether has plan to deal with dwindling entitlement
DT: tax cuts to save entitlements. a Repeal and replace ACA.  Premiums go up
HRC: Need to put more money into social security trust fund. Go after wealthy. Not cut benefit. Enhance benefits for low-income workers. DT proposes increases in debt. Reduce costs and emphasize wellness.

The Supreme Court
How should the Constitution be interpreted and what direction should the court go.
HRC: what kind of country will be and what kind of opportunities. SCOTUS stand on side of people: women and LGBTQ. Stand up to corporations and Citizens United. Not reverse marriage equality and Roe v. wade. SCOTUS reflect all of us.
DT: need SCOTUS to uphold 2nd amendment. Justices will appoint be pro-life and protect 2nd amendment. Literal interpretation of Constitution.
Justices could end up changing the 2nd Amendment
HRC: supports 2nd Amendment. Supports gun ownership. Wants reasonable gun law. Comprehensive  background checks and close gun show loophole. Disagreed which way court applied 2nd Amendjnet in Heller case.
DT: how will you protect 2nd amendment. HRC was upset
HRC: dozens of toddlers injur themselves. Supports right to bear arms. Not conflict with support of guns. Bring people together on sensible gun control.
DT: strong supporter of 2nd amendment. Appoint justices that support it.
Abortion: Roe v. Wade
DT: Abortion issues will go back to states
HRC: supports Roe v. Wade. States putting stringent regulations on abortions. Supports Planned Parenthood. Remind audience her DT said women should be punished for abortions.  Does support late term abortion because of risk to mother.
DT: does not support late term abortions

Why should we choose you?
HRC: wants to be president for everyone. Stand up for families. Good jobs and education
DT: will make America great. Take care of veterans. Law and order. Inner cities are disaster. Will do more for Latinos and African Americans.

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